Together, we learn, grow and dream

Ways school can help families

Financial  Support

The school receives extra funding for children who have been awarded Pupil Premium during their time at Wincham CP School. This can be up to £1,320 per pupil and is a valuable source of additional income for us.

The school uses this money to pay for extra teaching resources that we know will support and benefit your child. It can also be used to pay for  various activities such as school trips, swimming lessons (Year 3) and Multiflex after school sessions. You may also qualify for Free School Meals.

You can apply for Pupil Premium at any time while your child is a pupil at our school and need only apply once.

Cost of living support

The leaflet here has been shared by Cheshire West & Chester council to support families with the rising cost of living.  

For support with school uniform, please also see:

Kidsbank Referrals – Across Cheshire and Flintshire

Families may refer themselves for generic School Uniform (ages 4-12) using the following link:

Uniform Referral Form – Kids Bank (

Green Uniform and Baby Bank – Mid Cheshire cover for information and referrals


In addition to this, we hold a stock of all sizes of pre loved school uniform in school.  This is available for you to help yourself to from the Courtyard Room.

Other Sources of Funding

Funding is being allocated to some third-party organisations within the borough and if you would would benefit from financial support for food, fuel or other essentials through the winter. Please speak to one of the organisations below, or discuss with the Headteacher directly, so that you can be directed to the right support:

  • Welcome Network CWVA (Cheshire West Voluntary Action)
  • Citizen Advice Bureau
  • Age UK Cheshire
  • Dial Network
  • Carers Trust
  • Cheshire, Halton and Warrington Race and Equality Centre
  • Women’s Housing Action Group

Help In Emergency Scheme

Support continues to be available for fuel, food and other emergencies through the councils's Help in Emergency Scheme. Phone 0300 123 0765  or by email at

Food support is available all year round, includidng during the school holidays, through the Council-backed Welcome Network. Local community groups, currently providing food and support across the borough, habe been mapped on the Welcome Network website, so that residents can access the information in one place.

Team Around The Family (TAF)

If you live in west Cheshire a professional who is already working with you can help, all you need to do is ask. For example this could be a health visitor, someone working at your children’s school, a youth worker or a housing officer. A Team Around the Family, also known as a TAF, is used to get everyone together who is or could be working with your family. With your agreement they will work together to identify the needs and strengths of your family. It will be used to find out what works well in your family, any extra support your family may need and the best way to help you with this. A TAF is voluntary. You and your child(ren) can choose if you would like to take part.  

For further information, please speak to Mr Boot or Mrs Davis.

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