Together, we learn, grow and dream

The Governing Board

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  • Meet the Governors
  • Governor Impact Statement
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Meet the Governors

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Alison Dunabin

My involvement with Wincham school began in 1997 when my eldest daughter (now married and a Senior Environmental consultant) started in the reception class.

 My second daughter (now a Primary school teacher) also started her school career at Wincham. Initially, I was a committed and busy  member of the PTA helping to organise several Summer Fayres and other fundraising events. 

I became a Governor at Wincham in 2004, was elected vice chair in 2007 and became chair in 2009. I have a business background in marketing and negotiating for a range of products in the retail industry and I have also worked in financial services, as Parish Clerk and as a Governance professional in Halton. I was also a Governor at the County High School, Leftwich for eight years. I am privileged to be able to work with my fellow Governors towards ensuring that our vision for the school is to provide an education which fully equips all the children for life in our ever-changing and challenging world.


Sarah Skelley - Mathematics Consultant.jpgSarah Skelley - Chair of School Improvement Committee

During my 8 years as a governor at Wincham, I have been a parent governor, a co-opted governor and Vice chair of governors which has allowed me to sit on many of the committees to support Wincham to provide an excellent education for all the children. I am a qualified primary school teacher and have worked in school improvement for over 20 years as a Mathematics Consultant mainly within the North West. I have two almost grown up girls now who definitely keep me on my toes but I wouldn't have it any other way! I also have a beautiful dog which I love to to spend time walking in the great outdoors. 

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Andrew Webster - Chair of Governors 

Andrew has been a governor for 4 years, and was originally elected as a parent governor.  Andrew is a local business owner and currently has a child at a local high school, and another child still at Wincham.

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Matt Boot, Headteacher

Matt has been headteacher at the Wincham CP School since 2017.  Before working at Wincham, Matt was Deputy Head at a Warrington school, as well as havng worked for Warrington LA as Advanceed Skills Teacher in Primary ICT for 6 years.  When not at school, Matt enjoys long distance cycling events, gardening and DIY, geocaching and board games.


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Emma Harrison, Staff Governor

Emma is a highly experienced teacher, having spent years teaching in Scotland before moving to England.  Emma is a keen singer and member of a local choir, and enjoys walks with her family and her dog.

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Dave Bradburn - Safeguarding Governor

I was initially elected as a Parent Governor at Wincham and then later Co-opted. During that time I have been involved in various committees within the governance structure and have had opportunity to see and support the school from a variety of angles.

Most recently I have taken on the role of Safeguarding Governor, observing the vital role that the school fulfills in this area. My career and qualifications are as a graphic designer and business owner - thereare aspects of that experience that have been useful to bring to the Governing Board and equally some experience gained as a Governor that has been useful in business.

My daughter (now in Year 10) is a former Wincham pupil


Carl Bridge - Chair of Resources Committee

Carl is a health, housing & social care NED, entrepreneur, advisor, supporter & leader of sustainability partnerships throughout the Region, UK & Europe for over 20 years, developing, deploying & delivering innovative solutions, products, partnerships & facilities. 

Building extensive knowledge & network of clinical, operational, financial, entrepreneurial & commercially led innovative & transformational services, partners & products in both public & private sectors to best serve superior outcomes & governance for patients, carers, communities, professionals, academics & organisations within Health & Social Care, Housing, Education, Charity & Voluntary sectors integrating & scaling opportunistically. 

Semi retired, he enjoys his Adventures & Holidaying with his Wife & their three girls, Family & Friends. Reading, Films, Watersport's, Walking, Contact Sports, General Fitness & Well Being. Carl has a keen eye & continuous commitment to health, communities, education, housing & global sustainability. A Champion of stroke, dementia, the vulnerable, dyslexia, asthma & inclusion.

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Jo Robinson -Vice Chair of Governors

Jo is a parent governor, with a child in Year 5 at Wincham.  Jo has been a pivotal member of the Wincham Family & Friends for years, and is now supporting school in a governance role.  


Melanie Earl

Melanie is a parent governor, with have a child in year 3 and twins in Nursery. Melanie runs a company offering childcare to families locally. Melanie supports the school through WFF, however she would like to have more of an impact on the school. 


Gareth Williams

Gareth is a co-opted governor and is a member of the Resources Committee and Safeguarding Committee.  

Gareth is an International Security and Disarmament Expert. After finishing a PhD in Chemistry at the University of Manchester in 2003, he moved to Salisbury to work for the Ministry of Defence, supporting the delivery of scientific and technical capabilities for the defence and security of the UK and its allies. After a few years working on arms control and non-proliferation for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), he moved with his family to the Netherlands in 2016 to join the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) where he was the Head of Assistance and Protection. In 2023 he returned with his family to the UK and settled in Hartford.

He is currently a Senior Associate Fellow in the Proliferation and Nuclear Policy Research Group at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), and keeps himself busy doing freelance consulting.

He is a self-confessed politics junkie and enjoys listening to politics podcasts and reading political books. He enjoys socialising, travelling, cycling and long walks – not necessarily in that order.

Nicola Tucker

Nicola is a parent governor.

Shaun Simmons

Shaun is an associate governor who has 1 child at the school. Shaun is a senior data analyst working for BBC Children in Need, leading on reporting and interpretation of their grantmaking data. Shaun is deeply committed to the ethos that every child should have the chance to thrive and be the best they can be. 


Gary Lucas

Gary is a parent governor in his second term of office, sitting on the safeguarding committee.  
Gary has 1 child at the school and another starting in September.  He is a therapist working with muscular issues and injuries and a yoga teacher, living and working in Northwich. 

Governor impact statements




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