Together, we learn, grow and dream

Safeguarding & Wellbeing

Staying well and safe is at the heart of everything we do at Wincham.  Children cannot learn if all their other needs are not met.  Therefore we work with a range of partners and other services to ensure the wellbeing of children and staff, enabling everyone to get the very best out of their time at school.

As part of our work to ensure good mental health for all, we have published our Wellbeing Commitment for Children, as well as our Wellbeing Commitment for staff as part of the Staff Wellbeing policy.  In addition, we have signed up to the Department for Education's Staff Wellbeing Charter.

We believe that with the actions from the children's and staff's wellbeing charters in place, the vast majority of children will flourish in their time at school.

Sometimes, children need a little extra help and support.  Issues can crop up where children don't yet have the tools to deal with them, such as bereavement, coping when parents separate, or a complex medical condition.  When this happens, we can support in school.  Mrs Boag-Munroe, one of our Higher Level Teaching Assistants, is trained as an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant and can put in place short term support for children who are finding things difficult.  The work can include Lego therapy, drawing and talking, social circles and a range of other bespoke approaches.  We also work with qualified play therapists and art therapists as appropriate.

Sometimes families can need more support.  Our Safeguarding team has responsibility for dealing with safeguarding and child protection concerns at Wincham Community Primary School, and act as a source of support, advice and expertise within school. 

For questions or concerns about safeguarding at Wincham Community Primary School, please speak to Mr Boot, Mr Bounds or Miss Boag_Munroe.  Mr Boot, Mr Bounds and Miss Boag-Munroe receive Cheshire West and Chester Local Authority's Level 3 Safeguarding training for designated safeguarding leads.  The Senior Leadership Team as well as Governors have Safer Recruitment training.  All staff have regular safeguarding training led by Mr Boot and Mr Bounds in line with guidance from Cheshire West and Chester Local Safeguarding Children Board

Our school's safeguarding procedures are supported and audited by the Local Authority. 

Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding Team

Mr Boot (Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead) 

Mr Bounds (Deputy Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) 

Miss Boag-Munroe (Family Support Worker and Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) 

Mr Bradburn (Parent Governor and Safeguarding Link Governor) 


You can access our safeguarding policies here 

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