Together, we learn, grow and dream

Statutory Website Information

Every local-authority-maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2016Full details of what must be published can be found at

  1. School contact details
  2. Admission arrangements
  3. School uniform
  4. Test, exam and assessment results and OFSTED reports
  5. Performance measures website
  6. School opening hours
  7. Curriculum 
  8. Remote Education
  9. Behaviour policy
  10. Pupil premium
  11. PE and sport premium for primary schools
  12. Public sector equality duty
  13. Special educational needs (SEN) and disability information
  14. School complaints procedure
  15. Governors' information and duties
  16. Financial information
  17. Charging and remissions policies  
  18. Values and ethos
  19. Requests for paper copies If you wish to receive paper copies of any of the information on this website, please contact a member of the admin team, who will be happy to help.


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